Tagged: depopulation

Thank you, Donald Trump! Like influenza, Coronavirus is here to stay! Lockdowns are more deadly than China or their viruses! End the mass-hysteria contagion from WHO!

Taking advantage of lack of testing kits, globalist reptilians are forcing extended lockdowns to pave way for a global mandatory vaccine. Advocates of cheap and simple antibiotic-based cures like chloroquine/azithromycin and the hopeful high-dose vitamin-C treatments are being defamed.
Adam Schiff eye patch

Schiff for brains should invest in an eye patch. He is plain scary.

On CNN, doctors are saying that sick people visiting emergency rooms are not being tested. They are simply assumed to be coronavirus patients because the treatment protocol is the same as influenza.

On Russia Today, a New York ambulance driver said they are bringing in huge numbers of people and almost all of them die as soon as they are intubated. Apparently, the treatment protocol in New York is not saving the patients. The virus seems to persist after decontamination or no effective medicine is being used. Apparently, closed-air medical facilities are acting like death traps. It is only a matter of time before all healthcare personnel are infected.

Some New York hospitals have found success with high-dose INTRAVENOUS vitamin C treatments. Afraid that the future CV vaccine will be without a market when it arrives, mainstream media has embarked on a smearing campaign, quoting from old literature about PER-MOUTH vitamin C poisoning that have occurred in healthy individuals or without proper medical supervision.

In France, one of the world’s leading epidemiologist found that the antibiotic chloroquine did indeed save patients in test groups. (France Officially Sanctions Drug After 78 Of 80 Patients Recover From COVID-19 Within Five Days; Daily Wire) He was then smeared by the mainstream media allied to French president Macron for spreading fake news. French government has also confiscated all stocks of chloroquine. (Escobar: Why Is France Hiding A Cheap And Tested Virus Cure?
; ZeroHedge/Asiatimes) This study found that chloroquine was effective as a prophylactic treatment (early-stage infections) but French government has allowed it only for severe infections. (France allows drug chloroquine to be given to gravest coronavirus cases; TheLocal.fr)

It is clear that people world over are being prepared for a global mandatory vaccine. To ensure this, the reptilians are trying a three-pronged approach:

  • Extended lockdowns causing extreme economic hardship, thereby netting more bailouts for influential business groups, greatly increasing their power over the already weakened sections of the society.
  • Influenza deaths (already occurring in the tens of thousands in Western countries) are being counted as coronavirus deaths, citing lack of testing kits
  • Not recommending antibiotic-based cures such as chloroquine thereby increasing the death toll.
Articles condemning Trump for promoting chloroquine

Journalists’ faith in some scientists is “concerning”.

Trump is doing as best as he can to save his people while the people in VP Mike Pence’s task force such as Dr. Brix and Dr. Fauci are botching things up at every step. Dr. Fauci seem to be hoping a total breakdown of law and order, and millions of deaths. They are saboteurs, not saviors, and should be dismissed.

One lady in a conspiracy video showed serious conflicts of interests of these two individuals.

The most startling information however is the fact the WHO director Tedros Adhanom is a terrorist, who took part in an international kidnapping operation!

CoronaVirus used to be a pandemic theory pushed by Rockefeller Foundation only a decade ago to promote global governance a.k.a. slavery of mankind

In a research paper published by the Rockefeller Foundation, a global pandemic killing 20% of the world population was developed as a possible future scenario challenging global governance.

Texe Marrs mentioned this paper in one of his broadcasts. I have written about it before and even uploaded it to ScribD because of its significance.

Rockefeller Foundation paper predicting 2020 coronavirus pandemic

Rockefeller Foundation paper predicting 2020 coronavirus pandemic

Read more about it in:

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman has rightly pointed his finger of suspicion at the US Army, which has decades-long history of conducting biowarfare and chemical warfare experiments on civilian populated areas.

“CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

According to CNN:

Hundreds of athletes from the US military were in Wuhan for the Military World Games in October 2019.

Finding ‘Clouds of Secrecy – The army’s germ warfare tests over populated areas’ by Leonard Cole

How to use the “media” tab of the “Page Info” dialog in Firefox browser to find obfuscated images.

The book “Clouds of Secrecy: The army’s germ warfare tests over populated areas” by Leonard Cole is a mainstream academic account of US army’s covert attacks on American citizen in peacetime. It is sourced from meticulous and original research and from reports published in American newspapers like the New York Times and state/local newspapers.

The book Clouds of Secrecy - The Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas by Leonard Cole

A super-big copy of the old cover of the book “Clouds of Secrecy – The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas” by Leonard Cole. You can click this image to get the full version.

How to copy browser images hidden under layers of HTML

I wanted to use the image of the book cover in a cartoon but the cover had changed in its reprint avatar. It is not as dramatic as the original.

I tried to search for the book and Google and other search engines have lost most of the links to the book. Bing search engine used by DuckDuckGo returns on images of clouds, not the book. (This shows how believable Microsoft’s claims on on AI and such.) On Google, I found very tiny images of the old cover. However, one result in its Book search was humungous. This image could not be saved easily to desktop.. On examining the HTML using the “Inspect Element” option, the image was still untraceable. To protect the copyrighted contents of books, Google has already restricted the amount of content that can be viewed but even that content is obscured using obfuscated HTML/CSS DOM code. This is understandable because Google could be and had been sued by publishers over its book scanning service. Anyway, I wanted just the cover image. Here is how I accomplished it.

Select View » Page Info » Media and scroll down to the image you want to download. Copy the URL and paste it in a browser tab. Now, you can right-click the image and save it to your desktop.

Media tab of Page Info dialog of Firefox browser

Media tab of Page Info dialog of Firefox browser allows you to find the URL of obfuscated images.

Any euthanasia law will be prone to misuse – UK’s NHS starved & killed thousands with its Liverpool Care Pathway protocol

Reptilian News - How UK's NHS deliberately starves and kills elderly and sick people in the name of euthanasia

UK’s NHS has deliberately starved and killed thousands of patients, most of them deliberately identified as terminal. Doctors and hospital authorities were given quotas and financial incentives.


Smart Cities = Denser Cities = Private Cities = Globalist Privatization of public infrastructure & inevitable price gouging

See the oxymoron in the title? Open to all but private! They first drain local governments of all funds with unpayable debt using infrastructure white elephants and then say new urban landscapes should be left to private developers effectively locking you in a Fascist concrete jungle prison.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Is the explosion of rape cases in India caused by hormones in milk and chicken, obscene film and show sequences on TV and stupid parents who won’t switch off the TV when kids are around?

When government gives free food, youth are not interested in finding a job. Raping and harrassing women is a pastime.

Children are the next frontier of homo propaganda.

ET editor recommends a book about homo sex to kids. Children are the next frontier of homo and sexual propaganda.

If these fools are to be believed homo propaganda is the biggest deficiency facing today’s children – not schools, teachers, books, furniture, school buses, electricity…

Members of a youth organisation working with Karnataka AIDS Prevention Society used their "homosexuality awareness program" to net vulnerable kids who could be used in a homo prostitution ring.

Members of a youth organisation working with Karnataka AIDS Prevention Society used their “homosexuality awareness program” to net vulnerable kids who could be used in a homo prostitution ring.

Humans survived millennia without all these sex education and homo awareness propaganda. They only makes children vulnerable to serious harm. Kids are being bombarded with an overwhelming amount of messages and visuals about sex all the time.

With the impending Aadhaar system, children are going to tracked like hell. The Right To Education (RTE) Act will make children education less focused on learning and more focused on propaganda. It is a Fascist device in disguise. Only rich bastards will be able to get quality education. Children from middle-class families will be in debt if they learn too much. Most will have only just about education to make them good obedient factory workers or computer operators. Most will be happy to get jobs pizza delivery boys.