Moral Volcano publishes coffee-table book ‘AOC Tweets Actually’, predicts Alexandria Ocasio‑Cortez election as US president in 2024

A satirical look at post-woke America in 2024 when another stolen election brings total disaster. A ‘Gang of Four’ (formerly ‘The Squad’) takes over the White House. Chairman AOC and her Communist junta rule the USSA with an iron fist for the globalist kleptocracy.

This 30-page full-colour coffee-table book is in the same style of previous Humorous Tweets Of Chairman Mao volumes. It is uses trenchant humour to amply illustrate the evils of Communism. It makes an ideal red-pill for kids who have been brainwashed by Common Core and liberal colleges. If your kids refuse to read it, tell them educated people are the first ones to be executed when a Communist revolution succeeds.

Photo of the Gang of Four in Washington DC
The Gang of Four, fomerly The Squad, in Washigton DC.

The USA is doomed. The UN-inspired Common Core education, the co-opted media and rampant electoral fraud will ensure that alleged Socialist our little AOC (All Over Climate) to turn USA into USSA. The USSA will also collapse much before the predicted doomsday in 2031, when we are all supposed to die because we failed to mail an envelope addressed to Climate Change.

I have not mentioned all this in the book. It is a series of humorous AOC tweets before and after the election with Chairman Mao chiming in a few times.

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