Tagged: bill gates

Should we cancel Bill Gates and his coronovirus ‘vaccine’ because he invests in private prisons profiting mainly from Black and immigrant incarceration?

They banned cartoon characters for less!
Mother Jones article

Is the Gates Foundation still investing in private prisons? Bill and Melinda Gates’ philanthropy won’t say!

Bill Gates’ psuedo-science at TED Talk conference betrays totalitarian aims of Rothschilds and other Globalist fools

Bill Gates says he asked “top scientists” who apparently told him that all CO2 was man-made and that global temperatures would not stop rising until all this solely man-made CO2 was brought to ZERO!
Earth turned to a living planet thanks to Climate Change.

Earth turned to a living planet thanks to Climate Change.

If this is the science that “top scientists” are peddling, then the old adage that “you can’t fool all the time” has to be replaced “Somebody, say clergy or scientologists, can and will fool all the people all the time. It has not escaped people’s notice that he also mentioned that VACCINES COULD HELP REDUCE THE POPULATION!

First, that CO2 is not produced by man alone. Plants produce CO2 (at night). The various minerals on earth produce CO2. The oceans produce CO2. You can’t bring all of that to ZERO. To bring CO2 emissions to zero means you will not only have to destroy all plants or animals (including humans) but also find some way to evaporate all the oceans and water bodies and hermetically seal the earth like a ceramic jar.

Global temperatures keep changing all the time. Climate changes. Climate change made earth a livable planet.

We need pollution control, not people control. At least, control these fools. Send them to Mars or somewhere.

Rich people should pay for the clean up and investment in new technology. Start at the top of the pyramid. Don’t try to find some new way to tax those at the bottom of the pyramid.

At a Ted Talk conference, Bill Gates revealed that vacines can help reduce world population. He also says that top scientists of the world told him that CO2 emissions will have to go to zero to prevent global temperatures from rising. And, that all CO2 emissions are directly linked to humans. Idiotically, he went on to claim that has to be our goal! Zero CO2 emissions means no plants, animals, oceans or land masses.

At a Ted Talk conference, Bill Gates revealed that vacines can help reduce world population. He also says that top scientists of the world told him that CO2 emissions will have to go to zero to prevent global temperatures from rising. And, that all CO2 emissions are directly linked to humans. Idiotically, he went on to claim that has to be our goal! Zero CO2 emissions means no plants, animals, oceans or land masses.


Nilekani gave Aadhaar card contract to CIA startup MongoDB? And, The Tech Conspiracy

In-Q-Tel is also investors in Google. Facebook founder Suckerberg went to to a CIA school along with a Google co-founder. Google Chairman and former CEO Eric Schmdt helped run Novell Inc., into the ground and cleared the enterprise networks market to Bill Gates. Bill Gates was the recipient of a sweetheart deal to supply an OS to IBM PC. BILL Gates asked a former CP/M programmer Tim Patterson to copy the system calls of CP/M and refurbish it as Quick&Dirty OS. Bill Gates resold QDos to IBM as PC-DOS, while retaining rights to sell it to others as MS-DOS. Bill Gates would later steal architecture, code and programmers from Digital Equipment’s VMS and release it as Windows NT. Windows 1-3 were poor imitations of Mac OS by Apple. Why Bill Gates got away? Because his father was on the board of the Rockefeller eugenist group Planned Parenthood. That is why Gates is so anxious to reduce world population using vaccines.

Nikolas Sarkozy comes from a CIA family – via war-criminal Frank Wisner. Wikileaks founder Assange grew up in a commune used for CIA mind-control experiments.