New York Times lost it sense of reality when it wanted the US government to provide the SNOWFLAKE-friendly SAFE-SPACE version of REALITY!

NYT openly asks for a ‘REALITY CZAR’. Wants a Ministry of Truth to handle conspiracy theories.

NYT’s pedophilia-friendly Kevin Roose has been suffering from heartburn on behalf of the US intelligence community. He has been mercilessly mocked by Amazing Polly on Youtube before her channel was yanked.

New York Times wants the government to provide them with reality

The reptilians are very afraid that their trade in human subjects was almost exposed in the WayFair scandal, which was exposed by Amazing Polly. They will not let her stay on Rumble.

Amazing Polly is a big believer in Q. Well, Q was not able to stop the steal in 2020.

Her website is still not working well. The videos are at

On, her channel is at

I predicted that the election would be stolen in the book Reptilian News Cartoons v2020 several months before the election.

Moral Volcano Prediction for 2020 US elections and afterwards - CNN Projection

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