Why Google wants to store your genome?

In future, Google’s 3-Factor Authentication will require a password, an SMS OTP and a semen sample! A “Better Safe Than Sorry” will be the tag to promote it.

Google's 3-step authentication will require a semen sample.

Google’s 3-step authentication will require a semen sample.

Get on with it!

This is definitely not going to help bring more girls into TECH.

There are a million ways to make fun of this. I will stop.

I am sorry. I was influenced by my previous post.

One of Google’s founders invested a ton of money in his girlfriend’s genomic venture (dubbed snake oil by US government) and this is their justification.

How about putting it in a zip file and uploading it to Google Drive if you have to – it’s free – it does not cost $25.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Google Genomics wants to store genomes for $25.

Google Genomics wants to store genomes for $25.