Why Is “Climate Change” A Scam?

Rothschild propagandists have spun “climate change” as something new and man-made. A whole new cottage industry has grown up to dispense “climate science” to the slaves. The truth is that:

  1. Climate has been changing since day one – from the day Earth separated from the Sun and began its planetary life as a burning ball of flame. It is not a new occurrence. It is an inevitable natural phenomenon that has been going on for billions of years.
  2. Oceans cover two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. Rest of it is land. A good portion of that is uninhabitated by humans.
  3. Earth’s climate is overwhelmingly controlled by the Sun, not by Man.

It is not that Man’s activities do not have a global impact – man-made pesticides have been found in body tissues of animals living in the Antarctic. The destruction of our environment does threaten the future of humans and many other species BUT IT DOES NOT AFFECT CLIMATE. Climate is beyond life and “Climate Change” is propaganda.